GREEN STAR is a guide for companies in setting strategic priorities on the path to green transformation. It is the first certificate of its kind that rewards contribution to climate action. The certification process acknowledges actions taken that are consistent with green transition, and highlights areas of improvement to help guide the company most efficiently on the road to net zero.
By gaining certificate, your company will join the stars of the green economy who have already chosen a climate-neutral future.
Certificate brings long-term and short-term benefits to the entire value chain.
First certificate of its kind for contribution to climate neutrality.
It provides an assessment based on established ESG and climate action criteria.
It is science-based, metrics-based, and data-based.
It encourages climate action and sustainable business governance.
It is essential for setting strategic priorities to achieve green transformation.
One of the most effective questionnaires in the world
115 questions
100 minutes
The purpose of the questionnaire is to assess where the company is on the path of green transformation and how ambitiously it has set itself up for green growth.
The questions prepare the company for non-financial reporting and set the groundwork for company's sustainable strategies.
The questionnaire is based on different types of questions that are evaluated with regard to the selected answer. You will also need concrete data to answer the questions successfully.
It is based on established international reporting frameworks and incorporates relevant draft regulatory requirements (United Nations The Sustainable Development Agenda by 2030 – 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Climate Accord, OECD Guidelines, international guidelines for sustainable business conduct, TFCD, CDP, GRI, Integrated reporting, CDSB, 1.5 Supply chain leaders initiative, and European Union development and regulatory documents (EU Green Deal, Circular Economy Action Plan, Biodiversity Strategy to 2030, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive Proposal, EU Taxonomy).
The highest grade means
the highest excellence
Green star
Green leader
Determined challenger
Determined challenger
Brave beginner
The final grade consist of an assessment of a grade for compliance with ESG standards and a grade of Climate Activities.
The highest grade means the highest excellence Green stars are companies that have already integrated sustainable business conduct into their core. They are taking aggressive climate action, are actively reducing their climate impact and communicate on their efforts transparently.
Green leaders are companies that have strongly embedded sustainability in their business strategy. They are seeing the first results of implementing sustainable solutions and work with various stakeholders to reduce their climate impact.
Determined challengers have clearly set priorities and want to tackle green transformation more ambitiously. They are starting to reduce their climate impact and already have experience in implementing sustainable solutions. They are working on incorporating sustainability into their business strategy.
Brave beginners are increasingly aware of the risks of climate change. They understand that they need to take action immediately. They wish to commit to more concrete climate action while, at the same time, they wish to better understand how to go about doing so.
For a good grade, answers must be as complete as possible. Unanswered questions will be graded zero. Therefore, it is important to answer all the questions and, thus, compete for the highest possible grade.
Assessment and validation
60 min
1:1 with an expert
An initial achievement assessment is made based on the answers the company has provided. Evaluation is automated and performed using smart algorithms.
Team of experts checks the results and data inputs with the company and validates them. This takes the form of a one-hour interview. It is carried out remotely, via video conference, or by visiting the company's headquarters.
Team of experts issues a final grade on the basis of which recognition can be awarded. They explain the grade and make recommendations for improvement
Results and report
3 ESG dashboards
3 climate action dashboards
The report clearly shows the company where it is on the path of green transformation with recommendations how it can reduce its environmental impact even further, and transform its operations to be more sustainable.
The report consists of::
- grading of ESG criteria,
- grading of climate ambition, commitment, and activity,
- final grade,
- experts’ descriptive explanations of the grades,
- recommendations for action.
The report provides a helicopter overview of the management of green transformation. Transparent results and a high level of user experience are provided by graphical dashboards.
Monitoring progression
towards the goals
Monitor progress 1x per year
The key to green transformation is that we achieve a climate-neutral economy and society, individually and collectively. By 2050 (“net-zero”) with an intermediate reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of at least 50% by 2030 (Fit for 55%).
After we assess the risks, measure our impact accurately, set ambitious goals, devise strategies, and implement emission reduction measures, we need to calculate how big the gap is to achieve the set goals.
Therefore, climate impact is carried out every year to clearly see progress and make any adjustment as necessary.
At the same time, it is also an opportunity to adapt our business strategies based on science-based data and to look for new opportunities that green transformation brings.
In light of the above, the GREEN STAR recognition award is renewed annually.
To promote and understand the importance of green transformation and raise the ambition of companies and organizations to make a clear commitment to achieving climate neutrality and to communicate their successes and contributions transparently.
Slovenia will achieve a climate-neutral economy before the set goal of the Green Deal by 2050.
To involve a large number of companies. To allow companies to compare with best practices. To establish a central data-based helicopter survey of green transformation of Slovenian businesses.